Jason Moore

Jason is a technologist and an expert in the contractor space. He joined Cognitive Contractor in 2020, just after the acquisition of RoofSnap, where he was a partner and COO for 5 years. Jason is an extremely versatile player with expertise in operations, automation, brand development, design, marketing, sales, and technology. Additionally, he spent 10 years in commercial roofing, building business relationships around property management and providing solutions for his customers. At Cognitive Contractor, Jason is focused on developing the brand as well as building relationships with clients and partners.

"Win the Storm" using Data & Technology

Breakout Session - WTS 2021

This year, Josey Parks will present with a look back into how Cognitive...

Reduce Turnover & Earn Loyalty with Data-powered Sales

Stop Losing your Best Sales Reps

Here are some common causes of turnover that may sound familiar to...

Are you wasting money on leads?

Get Better Data

How do you combat these issues and start getting to the right leads faster?